Best Team Compositions For Burgeon in Genshin Impact: In contrast to the majority of Elemental reactions in Genshin Impact, the Burgeon reaction necessitates the presence of three units, each representing a distinct Element. When Hydro interacts with Dendro, the Bloom reaction is activated, resulting in the formation of a Dendro Core that detonates after a brief period. Should players strike the Dendro Core with a Pyro attack, the Burgeon reaction will be initiated, causing an immediate explosion that inflicts Dendro damage in an area of effect.
The task of assembling a team centered on a reaction that necessitates a degree of complexity may not initially seem attractive; however, the benefits derived from Burgeon justify the effort invested in forming its team within Genshin Impact.
Best Team Compositions For Burgeon in Genshin Impact
1. Wanderer, Yelan, Nahida, Thoma

- Wanderer: Main DPS, driver
- Yelan: Sub-DPS, buffer, Hydro enabler
- Nahida: Sub-DPS, Dendro enabler, buffer, debuffer (with Deepwood Memories)
- Thoma: Support, shielder, Pyro enabler, Burgeon trigger
In Genshin Impact, Wanderer is recognized as an outstanding driver for various off-field DPS units. By integrating Yelan and Nahida into this Burgeon team, they can effectively operate in the background, allowing Wanderer’s swift Normal attack hits to produce a considerable amount of Dendro Cores.
The potential damage output of this team is remarkable; however, it does present a minor drawback. This team composition is highly reliant on energy, as both Yelan and Thoma cannot regenerate their Elemental Bursts independently. Given the critical nature of their Bursts, it is advisable to address this concern by increasing Energy Recharge (ER) for both characters or substituting Yelan with Xingqiu. Although Xingqiu’s overall damage is less than that of Yelan, he possesses the ability to recover his Burst autonomously.
2. Alhaitham, Xingqiu, Collei, Thoma

- Alhaitham: Main DPS, Dendro enabler
- Xingqiu: Sub-DPS, minor healer, Hydro enabler
- Collei: Sub-DPS, debuffer (with Deepwood Memories)
- Thoma: Support, shielder, Burgeon trigger
Alhaitham and Xingqiu can establish a highly effective partnership in Genshin Impact. Together, they generate a steady supply of Dendro Cores, which Thoma can utilize to trigger Burgeon. Additionally, Collei activates Deepwood Memories, thereby applying debuffs to their adversaries.
It is essential to recognize that Alhaitham excels within a Hyperbloom team composition in Genshin Impact, as he requires Electro to enhance his damage via Quicken and Spread. However, his reliable Dendro application, combined with his significant damage output, allows him to be adaptable in various team compositions, including the Burgeon team setup.
3. Childe, Xiangling, Baizhu, Kazuha

- Childe: Main DPS, Hydro enabler
- Xiangling: Sub-DPS, Pyro enabler, Burgeon trigger
- Baizhu: Support, healer, buffer, Dendro enabler
- Kazuha: Support, crowd control, buffer, debuffer (with Viridescent Venerer)
The remarkable synergy between Childe and Xiangling, which consistently activates the Vaporize reaction in Genshin Impact, allows players to incorporate an equally effective synergy. To introduce Burgeon reactions into Tartaglia teams, it is essential to include a Dendro character such as Nahida or Baizhu, who can work in tandem with Childe to generate Dendro Cores. This enables Xiangling to subsequently trigger these cores into Burgeon. Baizhu stands out as an ideal choice for this composition due to the enhanced survivability he provides, along with his impressive A4 Ascension buff.
In the midst of the ongoing turmoil, Kazuha will amplify Childe’s Hydro damage or Xiangling’s Pyro damage each time he Swirls one of these elements. It is preferable for Kazuha to prioritize Swirling Hydro, given that Xiangling has a substantial Pyro application, and a Burgeon team requires her to be supported by sufficient Hydro enablers.
4. Kokomi, Nahida, Sucrose, Thoma

- Kokomi: Main DPS, healer, Hydro enabler
- Nahida: Sub-DPS, Dendro enabler, buffer, debuffer (with Deepwood Memories)
- Sucrose: Support, crowd control, buffer, debuffer (with Viridescent Venerer)
- Thoma: Support, shielder, Pyro enabler, Burgeon trigger
In her role as a healer, Kokomi is quite adept at assuming the Main DPS position, particularly when equipped with the Ocean-Hued Clam, which allows her to function as a competent damage dealer in Genshin Impact. This team composition leverages her exceptional Hydro application by pairing her with Nahida, who offers unparalleled Dendro application. Sucrose plays a crucial role by gathering enemies and the Dendro Cores generated by Kokomi and Nahida, while also significantly enhancing the team’s Elemental Mastery. Additionally, Thoma serves as an effective Burgeon trigger within this composition due to his slower Pyro attacks, providing Kokomi and Nahida ample opportunity to generate Dendro Cores without prematurely activating other reactions such as Vaporize or Burning.
5. Ayato, Yelan, Dendro MC, Thoma

- Ayato: Main DPS, buffer, Hydro enabler
- Yelan: Sub-DPS, buffer, Hydro enabler
- Dendro Traveler: Sub-DPS, Dendro enabler, buffer, debuffer (with Deepwood Memories)
- Thoma: Support, shielder, Pyro enabler, Burgeon trigger
In any Burgeon team composition within Genshin Impact, the Hydro and Dendro characters are paramount, as they serve as the driving force behind the generation of Dendro Cores. Therefore, players should prioritize the inclusion of characters capable of consistently applying both Dendro and Hydro elements. In this setup, Ayato and Yelan excel at providing robust Hydro application both on and off the field, while Dendro Traveler offers a reliable off-field Dendro application. Thoma is crucial in this composition, as his continuous Pyro attacks are necessary to trigger the generated Cores into Burgeon. It is vital to ensure that Hydro is applied to the Dendro MC’s Burst to shield it from Thoma’s flames; otherwise, if Pyro interacts with the Traveler’s Lotus Lamp, it will detonate, resulting in a temporary loss of Dendro application for the team.
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